FOODTEST 200+ conditions
To get the most from your FOODTEST 200+, we ask that you read through the following information to make sure the test is right for you at this time.
FOODTEST 200+ is microarray-based laboratory diagnostic test for detecting food intolerances to 226 different foods even in a few blood drops.
Known Food Allergies If you ever had a serious immediate hypersensitivity reaction to a specific food, this test may not be right for you. If you choose to proceed with the test, you need to know that your results may show no or little reaction to the food or foods you may previously have had a serious reaction to. In that case food allergy tests are recommended. Food intolerance and food allergy are two completely different types of food reactions! You must continue to avoid foods you have had a previous serious reaction to, regardless of FOODTEST 200+ results.
False Negative Results Note that avoidance of a specific food for more than a week or so before the test could result in no detectable reaction to that food. The explanation of the absence of a reaction in this case is that the body has not been exposed to that particular food recently, and therefore no antibodies have been produced. So, you may or may not have an intolerance to that food.
Prescription Drugs Steroid (e.g. prednisone) or immunosuppressant drugs (e.g. methotrexate) which are commonly prescribed for autoimmune diseases (like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus), may affect the accuracy of your results. Please consult us if you take prescription drugs for an autoimmune disease. Other medications have no effects on this test.
Testing Children We do not advise testing children under 3 years of age, as the immune system of young children is not yet fully developed.
Pregnancy We do not advise testing during pregnancy as the baby?s developing immune system may affect mother?s food reactions.